
Video Blog 9: Basic Front Hook Spin

Another very basic spin that never gets old 🙂 It is also one that I see people struggle with learning, so I’m going to break this move down and help you to create a what is considered a beginner move to look like a million dollars! I’ll go through commonly made mistakes and also the...
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Video Blog 8: Inverted Fundamentals: Outside Leg Hang

Building on from the previous ‘Inverted Fundamentals’ series, I’m going to talk about the Outside Leg Hang today (also known as Gemini). It’s another move that I would consider to be the ‘foundation’ of all inverted tricks on the pole. It can build onto more advanced moves such as the Butterfly, Shooting Star, Jade Split,...
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Video Blog 7: Rocking Your Chair Spin

The Chair Spin; an oldie but a goldie! This beautiful spin is probably one of the most useful that you will learn on static pole; it has several variations and it can be used to link other spins together and transition fluidly around the pole. It can be a challenging move at first. Here is...
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Video Blog 6: Inverted Fundamentals: Basic Inverting (Part 2)

Today’s tutorial is Part 2 of ‘Inverted Fundamentals: Basic Inverting’! Last week I talked about technique and strengthening for your basic invert, so now I’m going to go through taking it up into the air. This is helpful for all of you: if you’re a beginner you’ll be well prepared when the time comes for...
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Video Blog 5: Inverted Fundamentals: Basic Inverting (Part 1)

This is a two-part tutorial about Inverted Fundamentals: Basic Inverting. I’ve split it into two videos as it was a very long tutorial, so let’s not get overwhelmed. Firstly I’m going to go through exercises that will help you to strengthen up and build shoulder stability for inverting (ie: getting upside down) on the pole...
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Video Blog 4: How to Make Pretty Leg Waves!

Get your heels on… Today I’m going to talk about how to make your leg waves pretty, fluid and sexy. Leg waves are a great and easy way to work on your active flexibility, increase mobility and work your core, all at the same time. So practice them and they will help you to become...
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Video Blog 3: Conquering Your Pole Climb (Part 2)

Here is the second part of my ‘Conquering Your Pole Climb’ video blog. Here I will share some tips on the forearm climb, which is a more advanced way to climb the pole, once you have mastered the basic climb. It’s a very pretty climb that will add that wow factor to your dancing! Watch ‘Conquering Your...
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Video Blog 2: Conquering Your Pole Climb (Part 1)

Today’s new video blog is about climbing the pole, which as you may already know can be quite challenging! Here are some tips that will help you speed up the process of conquering your climb, as well as things to watch out for in ensuring you maintain good technique and don’t get into bad habits...
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Video Blog 1: Perfecting Your Pirouettes!

Check out my new video blog! This is an idea I’ve had for a while, finally I’ve had the chance to get this off the ground! This weekly blog will be about tips and tricks on how to improve your pole dance. Starting off with one of my favourite tricks, the pirouette! Watch ‘Perfecting Your...
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