Video Blog 44: Spin, Spin, Spin!

It’s that time of year again! We’ve launched our annual 4-week challenge here at Irish Pole Dance Academy, we’re excited for you to share your favourite moves with us!

For week one we will be getting into the ‘swing’ of things with the focus on spins. To get you in the mood, here’s a tutorial about an ‘oldie but a golide’ spin, the Carousel Spin!

pole dancing classes dublin

To do this move you should be strong in your chair spin first. If you missed the tutorial about the chair spin, click here!

Why not try this spin in a combo with another spin and perhaps adding some floorwork??

You can join in the IPDA challenge each week by sharing your contribution on Facebook and on Instagram @irishpoledanceacademy! Be sure to tag us or use the hashtag #ipdachallenge so we can find your video easily 🙂 You can also share on our Facebook Member’s Only Group.

To your success,

PS: Always wanted to try pole dancing? Click here to request a free consultation and we will help you on your way to becoming stronger, sexier and more flexible!