Video Blog 34: My most favourite pole trick!

Hey everyone!

We are smack-bang in the middle of our ‘4-week challenge’ here at IPDA! This is week 3, and we are asking YOU to show us your favourite pole dance trick or pose!

pole dancing dublin

Mine is the Inside Leg Hang, or Scorpio, as you probably already know from my previous blog posts. So today I’m going to show you an awesome transition on the pole that uses the Inside Leg Hang to it’s maximum effect! Excited??

To do this ‘Scorpio to Scorpio’ transition you should be able to comfortably hold a no-hands inside leg hang on both sides. This transition is just an example of one of the many reasons why it’s so crucial to be able to perform tricks on both sides! Without having tricks on both sides, you will struggle with transitioning from move to move, as well as become horribly unbalanced in your strength and flexibility! So do yourself a favour and start training everything on both sides, your body and your pole tricks need this! 😉

Have fun trying this transition and don’t forget to get stuck into the #IPDAchallenge on Facebook and Instagram!

Watch ‘Scorpio to Scorpio’ video blog below or click here!

Pole Love,

Arlene xx