Updated Coronavirus Policy

irish pole dance academy coronavirus policy 2021

Effective 22nd September 2021.

We’ve updated our Coronavirus Policy in line with current guidelines and recommendations. Please read carefully below: 

Irish Pole Dance Academy classes and services are now different in the following ways:

  • ‘Individual Training’ is now replaced by classes.
  • There will be a maximum of 6 members per class (one person per pole), except for certain ‘Introduction to Pole Dance’ courses, until October 22nd* when Coronavirus restrictions will be lifted by the government. (*Subject to change at the government’s discretion)
  • We are also offering a limited amount of private training, which can be arranged by request.
  • For those who prefer not to attend the studio, we have an extensive library of online pre-recorded lessons available to stream on demand.
  • All classes have a degree of mixed levels and we will be offering highly individualized teaching to support our members.
  • The class cancellation deadline remains at 24 hours prior to the class start time in the interest of fairness. This will remain in place until further notice. We hope you understand this.
  • As class sizes are extremely limited, please do not panic if you cannot get a spot in your preferred class. We are providing more than enough classes, including weekends, to ensure that every member has access to a class.
  • As always, our schedule of real-life and online classes is subject to change and we may add more classes or remove classes based on attendance.
  • The studio is now protected by a Radic8 VirusKiller VK103 Air Filter & Air Steriliser, which kills and removes viruses and bacteria from the air.

The following points must be adhered to by both staff and clients:

Before class:

  • You must bring your own cleaning cloth and yoga mat for use during the class, until further notice.
  • Please wear a mask when coming to the studio: in the foyer, in the waiting area, on the stairs, upstairs and in the toilets. You may remove your mask during class if it causes issues.
  • Keep a minimum 2-meter distance in the waiting area, on the stairs and upstairs in the building.
  • Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before your class starts. Unfortunately, we cannot grant you admission to the building earlier than 10 minutes before your class starts in order to avoid congestion.
  • Late arrivals will not be admitted to the studio. Please make every effort to arrive on time for your booked class.
  • Please arrive as prepared as possible: Wear your shorts and pole gear underneath warm layers so that you don’t need to spend ages changing and potentially causing congestion in the building.
  • Do not bring anything with you to the studio that you don’t need. Remember, you NEED to bring your own yoga mat and cleaning towel until further notice.
  • Unfortunately members are still not allowed to use the communal spaces upstairs in DLight Studios. The couches, armchairs and kitchen areas cannot be used until further notice.

During class:

  • Take off your shoes and disinfect your hands with our hand sanitizer before entering the studio.
  • Maintain social distancing by entering the studio one after the other.
  • From the shelving unit on the right, take your spray cleaning bottle, compostable gloves, antiviral spray and blue paper towels to clean your pole at the end of class.
  • Keep right and walk to your designated pole station.
  • The first person will take the pole at the end of the room beside the instructor pole, the next person will take the next furthest pole and so on, until the last person takes the pole nearest the door.
  • We have adapted our curriculum so that spotting will not be necessary, however spotting will only be done if the risk of safety is higher than the risk of Covid 19. This is to save a student from falling or injury.
  • As always, if you wish to film yourself during class, place your smart phones and devices for filming on the black wall, NOT on the mirrors.

After class:

  • We require all students to do the following at the end of class:
    • Wear the gloves provided
    • Thoroughly clean the pole using the antiviral spray and blue paper towels
    • Bin your gloves and blue paper towel
    • Take your belongings
    • Exit the studio one at a time using the pathway closest to the mirror
  • We are very happy if you wish to continue your chats and bants with each other outside of the studio building as long as social distancing is maintained and common sense is used.

All students attending class confirm that they understand that they the following points:

  • If you are displaying any of the symptoms of Covid-19 please inform us right away and DO NOT come to the studio.
  • If you have tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 14 days please inform us right away and DO NOT come to the studio.
  • If you have been in contact with anyone who has symptoms of Covid-19 or has been diagnosed with Covid-19 within the last 14 days please inform us right away and DO NOT come to the studio.
  • If you have been advised to quarantine, DO NOT come to the studio.
  • You should only attend the studio if you are feeling physically well and observing the hygiene standards as set out above.

Covid-19 Outbreak Proceedure:

Our procedure for handling an outbreak of coronavirus remains the same:

Stage 1 – Notification

If you develop symptoms within a 14 day period of being present at the studio, or if you learn that you have been in contact with anyone who has later tested positive for the virus, we ask you to call Santina immediately on 083 187 3602 or info@irishpoledanceacademy.com. Your name and personal details will be kept private at all times, as per our data protection policy.

Stage 2 – Track & Trace

If a student or instructor has notified that they have developed symptoms or been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19, you will be notified as soon as possible and advised to isolate for 14 days. We will be using the contact details provided by you on your Team Up account; please ensure that your details are up to date.

Stage 3 – Cleaning & Closing

If we believe that there have been cases of covid-19 at the studio, we will close for a minimum of 1 day to allow our team to conduct a thorough deep clean of the premises. All students will be notified of a closure as soon as possible, using the contact details provided by you on your TeamUp account. Credits from any classes cancelled due to a studio closure will be returned to your account.

Stage 4 – Recording

Any outbreaks will be recorded in full in the studio incident report book.

Stage 5 – Reopening

Once the above stages have been completed, the studio will reopen. Students will be notified of the reopening date.