Did you miss us on Near FM’s ‘Body & Soul’ show last week?
Vivien from Near FM paid a visit to our studio, to talk to us and our clients about what pole dancing is and what it means to us and the physical and mental health benefits, This will be a two-part feature, the first of which is already up on their podcast!
Listen to Part 1 of this feature, where Vivien talks to our instructor Jillian about where pole dancing has come from, how pole dance is a feminist and humanist movement and also about how pole dance helped her to get her body back after her first child!
You can listen to Jillian’s interview on Near FM’s podcast here.
Well, what did you think? Let us know what you thought about Jillian’s interview over on our Facebook page!
To your success,
PS: Always wanted to try pole dancing? Click here to request a free consultation and we will help you on your way to becoming stronger, sexier and more flexible!