Video Blog 49: Barrel Roll to Twisted Lunge Tutorial

Hello everyone!

Another month, another tutorial! Today I’m delighted to share with you an Exotic Pole Dance combo; what I call the Barrel Roll to Twisted Lunge, with a fankick (there’s an easy version and a more advanced version) transition out.

It’s a really fun combo that anyone can do! I include this combo in my Exotic Dance class for Beginners here at IPDA, and even our first-timer students can bust this out and make it look super fluid and awesome!

exotic pole dance class dublin

The combo is more so confusing than it is difficult, so in the video I break it down in super slow motion. Here’s some key points to watch out for while practising:

  • Keep the standing leg / inside leg straight as you pivot on your toes for the Barrel Roll.
  • Continue the Barrel Roll in the same direction until your opposite arm-pit meets the pole. The pole will be behind your hip at this point.
  • Point your toes during the Twisted Lunge, not only to make the most beautiful lines possible but to also facilitate an easy transition to the fankick.
  • Your inside hand reaches the floor (or the pole) as you slide the inside leg through to the fankick.
  • Keep your top leg as straight as you can as you complete the arc of the fankick. Remember, lines are important!

Watch the video below for a full step by step breakdown of the Barrel Roll to Twisted Lunge:

Don’t forget to share your progress on our Irish Pole Dance Academy Facebook Member’s Only Group! If you’re not a member yet, join in the fun on Instagram @irishpoledanceacademy! Or just call into our gorgeous studio here in Dublin 1 😉

To your success,